Best Lead Generation Platforms for Physical Therapists

Best Lead Generation Platforms for Physical Therapists

Best Lead Generation Platforms for Physical Therapists

For most site visitors, your site is just one of many sites they visit whenever they need more information on their condition. There's no attachment beyond the writer-reader relationship. 

However, as a qualified physical therapist or clinic owner, you need to get more clients, not just read your site content by unattached readers. You don't just need them as readers; you want them to be paying clients.   

Lead generation is the process of actively converting site readers into clients. Here, we will discuss the digital tools used by successful physical therapy clinics in generating qualified leads.

What is a lead?

A lead can be defined as an individual that has shown interest in your physical therapy services in any form or manner. These leads can become lifelong clients and, most importantly, ambassadors. 

A lead can also be the contact details obtained from consenting individuals through a social media campaign, blog or website, contact form, or newsletter subscription.

For the sake of this lead generation manual, a lead is a person, not a data point. 

How to identify a qualified lead

The lead generation systems discussed here won't just help you nurture qualified leads into paying customers but also help filter the wheat from the chaff. 

The chaff here are those leads with zero intent to patronize you, while the wheat is the real deal (they are walking green lights willing to pay you your service's worth). 

Every good/qualified lead ticks these two boxes.

They provide enough data

What use is a ’date’ that refuses to give you their phone number? That's a dead-end that turns into heartbreak if care is not taken.

If the possible lover gives you their number, they are interested, and you can choose to pursue a ‘thing’ with them. 

On the other hand, if a person wears an investigator's hat in a bid to track another person down, they will be tagged a stalker or security threat. Consent is key.

Like love matters, lead generation involves getting any of the items below to ascertain that an individual is a good lead.

  • Email address
  • Phone number
  • Full name and title
  • The specific problem they want solved
  • Location
  • Occupation

They are in any of these phases of the buyer's sojourn

On his Instagram, 701maxx, a professional marketer, explained why brands should nurture their fans like fathers would cater to their kids. He stated that every reply to comments, post, shoutout, and discount counts. 

Like babies, your leads have needs. They want attention and education. They know your service can help them but don't know what tier or physical therapy option would be best for them.  

What are the best lead-generation platforms for physical therapists?

Throughout the aforementioned buyer’s stages, you will need several tools to automate your actions, reach out to leads and garner relevant data. Here, we will discuss the stages in detail and recommend tested and trusted lead-generation platforms for physical therapists.

You need to know the stage your lead is in before targeting them through emails or phone calls. The stage they are in will determine the offer, content, and marketing approach.

It is essential to note that some leads can schedule an appointment at your clinic after the first step, while others may require more time. The time taken before paying depends on the degree of pain, purchasing power, discovery path, and reputation of your practice.

Below are the four phases of lead generation and the platforms that can help you boost your ROI as a physical therapist.

1. Awareness

Awareness is not just getting known; awareness is getting remembered. Be the purple cow in Seth Godin's story. 

According to Seth, he was driving his family through France when they were blessed by the view of hundreds of cows grazing on picturesque pastures near the highway. 

They grew sick of the view as they saw more regular black and white cows. In his words, what was amazing was now common. Worse than common, it was boring until they saw a purple cow. Then, they were awed once again.

The lesson in this story is that being seen as another physical therapy clinic won't help leads remember you. Positioning your clinic as modern with out-of-the-box characteristics would help you stand out in the sea of physical therapy clinics in your vicinity.

Below are the platforms that can help you in the awareness stage:

  1. Cision: The media can determine what brands people talk about and when they do. Cision helps you attain your vision by connecting you to over 1.6 million journalists and editors across the globe. With Cision, you can spread the word about your brand through established blogs and sites in the physical therapy space.
  2. HARO: HARO, aka help a reporter out, is similar to Cision but works differently. You must join relevant mailing lists in your niche (in this case— physical therapy) and actively share your professional comments on the requested topics. Journalists would reward your contribution by quoting your replies in their articles, positioning you as a thought leader in physical therapy.
  3. Hootsuite: Social media is the ultimate place to get quality brand engagements. Sites like TikTok, Facebook, and Instagram offer free exposure to the brands with the most clout. The hard thing about social media usage is consistency. It's not easy to keep posting every day of the week. It's draining, to say the least. With Hootsuite, you can schedule posts across various social media platforms. 
  4. Typeform: Oftentimes, brands don't know what people think about them, and that's an unsafe space to operate from. As a physical therapy brand, you need to pilot what people think about your service, and you cannot do that without knowing their unfiltered opinion. It's better to get these thoughts privately and work on them before they post them on social media themselves. By the time they post their complaints on social media, it will be too late to rectify. The survey helps you tame an approaching inferno before it destroys your brand. Typeform helps your design brand awareness surveys using custom-made themes. You can tweak these templates to suit your campaign.
  5. SoGoSurvey: Like Typeform, you can create surveys via SoGoSurvey. Also, you can choose the channels to publish them and integrate the survey with your CRM.
  6. WPForms: Before reaching out to leads, you must get their emails. WPForms is a down-to-earth form builder that allows you to add simple lead-generation forms to your brand website without learning programming skills. With just a few clicks, you can set up your online forms. It comes with an easy-to-operate drag-and-drop builder, mobile-friendly forms, and app notifications when leads are generated. 
  7. Google Ads: Google Ads help you reach people searching for keywords related to your field. Let's say one million Google users search for exercises that help reduce neck pain; you can get in front of these people as long as your ad budget permits. 
  8. SEMRUSH: Search engine optimization is necessary for your business to grow online. SEMRUSH helps you search for important keywords that your potential customers are searching for. It helps you position your website as the go-to site for your customers.
  9. Ahrefs: Ahrefs is similar to SEMRUSH. It helps you audit your website and patch the leaking pipes in your website. With Ahrefs, you can hop on relevant keywords before your competitors do.
  10. PatientSites offers a robust lead generation system that includes a number of lead capture forms, such as pop-up boxes, lead quizzes, landing pages, and more. Our lead generation tools can be paired with pre-made content so you don’t have to spend creating content.

2. Lead Education

Congratulations! The awareness phase got you plenty of email addresses from interested clients. However, not every lead will turn into a client.. 

Lead education is the process of convincing leads that your physical therapy services will get them healed. 

The most important tools in this phase are emails and blogs. Through educational and informational emails, you can pinpoint and discourse their specific needs and pain points; then proffer solutions to possible roadblocks leads might face while taking the leap of faith. 

Remember, every email must position your products and services as the ultimate go-to solutions.

The platforms below will help you throughout the leads education phase:

  1. MailChimp: An unengaged lead is of no use to your clinic. The more engaged your leads are, the higher the probability of conversion. Newsletters help you keep in touch with customers and present them with attractive offers. Mailchimp is an all-around tool that allows you to manage and engage leads. Through MailChimp, you can send important emails and earn more money via segmentation and message scheduling tools. Alternatives to MailChimp are ConvertKit and ActiveCampaign.
  2. Hubspot: As your lead data and customer demands grow, you must automate your marketing campaigns. Hubspot allows you to dish out targeted content, educational resources, and personalized messaging due to the leads’ behavior patterns and interests. Hubspot has one of the best email marketing services. You can ‘cook’ efficient emails and garner data on your content’s performance via Hubspot. Alternatives to Hubspot are Marketo and Pardot.
  3. Zendesk: This knowledge base platform allows businesses to automate answers to relevant questions about their brands. With ZenDesk, leads have access to articles, FAQs, and tutorials. Alternatives to Zendesk are Helpjuice and Freshdesk.
  4. WebinarJam: While prerecorded tutorials are good, live webinars are better. They are engaging and allow professional therapists to explore subjects to which 5-minute tutorials would not do justice. WebinarJam is a platform that enables companies to conduct live or prerecorded educational sessions. WebinarJam alternatives are Zoom, GoTowebinar, etc.
  5. PatientSites: Our marketing automation tools make it easy to create email sequences that are sent out automatically as new leads come in. These tools link seamlessly with the lead capture tools that are used to generate awareness on the website, so you’ll never have to worry about following up with new leads.

3. Lead Scoring

Lead scoring is the process of evaluating your leads' quality, purchase power, and potential to convert into paying clients. 

No general solution exists for all leads; hence, you must create personalized solutions for specific leads. 

Imagine offering a Lamborghini car to a Janitor. Although he/she might want one, their purchasing capacity cannot afford it. 

You must learn to create various offers for different clients as a business person. The conditions that affect lead scoring include demographic information, lead source, engagement, behavioral data, buying signals, previous customer data, and, most especially, your professional discretion.

The platforms that enhance lead evaluation include:

  1. Leadfeeder: Leadfeeder is a useful lead generation and evaluation tool compatible with Google Analytics. Leadfeeder tracks website visitors and offers accurate data on their behavior, page views, and predilections. The insights captured by Leadfeeder are restricted to their actions on your site. 
  2. Clearbit: Interested in off-site insights on your leads? Clearbit can help your clinic gather data like social media profiles, client details, and job titles.
  3. Infer: Let’s say you don’t want to do any lead scoring calculations yourself; infer can help you predict the quality of every lead. Infer is a predictive lead-scoring approach employing machine learning algorithms to assess lead quality. It helps you filter the wheat from the chaff. The factors it considers when assessing leads are behavioral data, firmographics, and historical data.
  4. Others: A good number of CRM platforms offer lead evaluation tools. These platforms include Salesforce Einstein lead-scoring feature, the Marketo lead-scoring tool, and Zoho CRM.

4. Lead Conversion

Lead conversion is the Medina of lead generation. It is the dream of all physical therapists. The whole process is a waste if the lead does not become a paying customer. This phase is highly dependent on the success of the previous phases. 

How Not to Fish for Leads: The Story of Good Therapist and The Desperate Therapist

Janet Brown woke up with neck pain. She called her cousin, Lawrence, who lives across the street, to rant about the overwhelming pain that ushered her into a new day. 

Lawrence bolted to Janet’s house to help her with her kids and chores before helping her to work. After 30 minutes of massaging her neck with ointment, the pain gripped her neck more.

In frustration, Lawrence took her iPhone and searched for “drugs that cure neck pain.” On the first page of Google, she saw Adam Cares Walk-In clinic’s ad. 

She clicked on it to read your article on “the fastest way to get rid of your annoying neck pain.” She read it out loud to Janet. 

Then, Janet clicked on your call to action and gave Janet the phone so she could fill out the form. She tried filling out the form but stopped halfway because she wasn’t sure when she, alongside Lawrence, would be free. 

They agreed to visit the clinic the next day before heading to work. Then, she filled out the form and clicked send. 

Unlike Janet, a consenting lead that has shown interest in a PT company, Kelvin got a cold call from a telemarketer hired by Kennedy Clinic. He lost interest when the caller asked, "Have you heard of Kennedy's clinic and our latest bonanza package for upcoming athletes?". 

Kelvin endured a hellish 3-minute monotonous conversation with a motormouth that lacked empathy. The telemarketer blabbed about a 20% discount offer on an athlete-building program at Kennedy's clinic. 

Unknown to the teleprompter, Kelvin is a secretary with zero interest in sports. Kelvin was so passed that he hung up on the caller. 

We've all been in the position of Kelvin, and it's safe to say no one loves cold calls. It's a stain on a beautiful day and always leads to frustration.  Don't be like Dr. Kennedy;  instead, go after people like Janet that are interested in your services.

Janet is a qualified lead, and the Adam Cares clinician is a good doctor that knows not to call unconsenting users randomly. On the other hand, Kelvin is not a genuine lead, and the Kennedy Clinic has done a poor job of generating leads.

A good physical therapist is not desperate; a desperate physical therapist is not good for business. 

With the lead generation platforms recommended in this guide, you can follow up on all Janets (leads) no matter where they backpedaled in the lead generation process.

Consent first: present later 

Since childhood, we were taught to wait for the green light before crossing the road. Crossing the road when the traffic light indicates red is the best route to the afterlife.

We will need the green-light-red-light instinct in lead generation.

Desperate business owners often buy user data from companies to reach out to unsuspecting audiences. 

We’ve all been victims of these cold emails. You know how annoying it is to get emails from companies you did not offer your email address to and the satisfaction obtained from archiving their messages as spam. 

Even in auction events, bidders are directed to show interest by a show of hands. One of the Bidders who indicate interest will most likely get the auctioned item. Does it make sense for the auctioneer to pronounce a group of people not interested in the items as bid winners? That’s how odd it sounds when companies storm unconsenting audiences with promotional content.

Key Takeaways

  • Lead generation has four phases: awareness, education, evaluation, and conversion.
  • Consistent lead engagement is important for lead conversion.
  • There is no one-size-fits-all solution for all leads. 
  • Attractive offers aid lead conversion.
  • Automation makes lead generation efficient.
  • Leads that do not offer their contacts or email addresses aren’t qualified leads.

Final Thoughts

While buying customer emails can offer you more exposure, the probability of getting actual conversions is pretty low and it will only hurt your email deliverability in the long run. Your best leads are those who consent to receive emails from you and submit their contact info alongside their preferences via the online form on your landing page.