Top 5 Websites to Link for Science Based PT Content

Top Five Websites to Link for Science Based PT Content

Top 5 Websites to Link for Science Based PT Content

Physical therapy is an ever-evolving form of treatment. Not only do physical therapists and PT technicians create thorough routines based on individual diagnoses and treatment needs, but they are also constantly learning!

The field of physical therapy is continually growing and changing based on new techniques. Not to mention updated research, improved data, and evidence-based therapies. All in all, it is important that you provide up to date, science-based information for your clients. 

But if you’re trying to keep your blog maintenance low, you may not have time to post all of the research behind your physical therapy. And generally speaking, your clients may not have the time to read through it all anyway! 

That being said, sometimes it’s not easy to find high-quality sources that aren’t really confusing for your clients. Not everyone can decipher medical treatments or prescribed exercise definitions. So a great way to keep your clients informed, as well as interacting with your PT blog and website, is to link to successful, science and evidence passed PT content! 

Why You Should Include Science in Your Blog

Before you jump headfirst into the different websites to link to, you should first be aware of WHY you need to link to them. You should always keep your clients and colleagues aware of the most up to date data and techniques with your website. Finding high-quality research and information to place into your already wonderful content will only support your work. 

As the physical therapy field grows and evolves, it’s incredibly important to keep yourself informed as well. By linking in your PT blog to other respected websites, you can also increase your website traffic. 

Why You Should Double-Check Credibility

Just because a website SAYS is credible, doesn’t mean that is actually is filled with reliable information. Before you link to certain websites, you should always double-check the credibility of the source. 

An easy way to do this is to check the credentials of the author, website, and sources. Here are ways you can check credibility in the age of misinformation on the internet:

  • Author – Don’t just see “Dr.” in front of an author’s name and think it is a valuable source. They could be a doctor in philosophy posting about physical therapy. Do a quick search on the author of the information in order to evaluate their material. After all, a pediatrician with 20 years of experience will be better at speaking about kids being sick than a hobby blogger.
  • Website – Understanding a domain and a domain name is important. Any human being can buy a domain name with a .com address. A .com site is typically a commercial site. You will want to stick with sources that can be proven to be reliable (medical journal, or accredited association). Academia, meaning it has a .edu ending is also generally a great source. Not only that, but you can also generally rely on .gov sites because they are operated by government agencies. Typically, .org websites will be more biased towards the organization's long-term goals, but can still provide reliable information.
  • Sources – Just because it’s listed as a source, doesn’t mean their sources are reliable. If you’re reading a website that says something along the lines of “… a doctor with 20 years of experience says this is the best PT routine to date”, but then doesn’t name the doctor, or their credentials is probably suspect. Be certain you can easily track the information and sources provided by your preferred websites!

By double-checking the credentials, authors, and domains of a website, you can easily convey accurate information to your clients! They will not only reach out to your website more but trust the information that you provide. Now that you know what to look for, it’s time to check out the best, science-based websites for PT! 

The Best Science-Based Websites to Link for PT Websites:

1. American Physical Therapy Association

The American Physical Therapy Association, or APTA from here on out, offers a wide variety of information. Not only do they post studies, but also have educational seminars and courses, but they also source lots of educators! The APTA also provides online lectures from doctors and healthcare professionals from all over the United States. 

There are many online resources that can not only be found at the APTA website but also for their individual affiliates (such as APTA of Colorado, etc.). Through their over the thirty-year mission, the APTA has offered a wide range of science-backed research for their members. You can easily access the majority of their information on the website, as well as joining the APTA for varying fees. 

2. Ivy Rehab Network

Almost 180 different physical therapy clinics have come together to form the Ivy Rehab Network. Their extensive physical therapy reach includes everything from pediatric programs to sports PT, as well as post-op PT and more. 

The primary website for the IRN offers in-depth resources for the following under their conditions page:

  • Ankle injuries
  • Arm injuries
  • Back injuries
  • Foot injuries
  • Hand injuries
  • Head injuries
  • Hip injuries
  • Knee injuries
  • Leg injuries
  • Lower-back injuries
  • Neck shoulder injuries

Once you’ve selected an area to research, you can then move on to making appointments, finding possible treatment, and more. They provide extensive information for all of their programs. From athletic training to the various training methods they use within their facilities. 

All in all, the IRN is a great source for finding out a lot of basic information about physical therapy in all aspects of life. Not to mention it has a really user-friendly layout! 

3. Oxford Academic: Physical Therapy Journal

If you’re trying to link to a website from your blog that is jam-packed with research, articles, and resources, then linking to the Physical Therapy Journal page is for you!

There are so many sources for you to cite in your blogs and website when it comes to academic articles and information. From studies on muscle spasticity to cancer-related PT, and links to scientific journals, the PTJ website is an excellent online resource. 

Not only does the website include medical journals and science-backed information, but it also links to the latest articles and social media posts from some of the world’s foremost physical therapy experts! Not to mention there is an easily downloadable PTJ app for your smartphone or tablet. 

4. Foundation for Physical Therapy Research

All things considered, finding out more about the latest physical therapy research and funding is key to understanding where physical therapy is headed. By linking to the Foundation for Physical Therapy Research on your website, you are providing your clinical patients and website visitors with the most up to date information on PT advancements.

Directly from the home page of the FPTR, you can see the latest information about scholarships, research grants, as well as fellowships and on-going studies. Not only that but also provide your clients and colleagues with information for online research programs and seminars available through the foundation. If you’re looking, you can also apply for grants and funding as well!  

5. JAMA Network: Physical Therapy

Find nearly everything you will need to know on the latest of PT work from sports injuries, to postoperative studies by linking to the JAMA Network. All in all, you can link to this science-based PT content and provide your audience with some fascinating studies. Not to mention up to date PT news and articles. 

The JAMA Network is an international peer-reviewed medical journal that has been around since 1883! Resources linked from your website to the JAMA pages will be filled to the brim with reliable, science-based information for your clients. Not to mention that the JAMA Network is one of the most credible medical journals in the world. 

The content can be read in a completely free, full text, PDF option that you can download directly from the website. Using such a credible resource for your audience will not only give them more viable information but also help you to build a reputation as a credible resource yourself!

Knowing Your Own Content

By using these websites, you are able to link to valuable research and independent case studies. Not to mention experienced professionals who offer straight-forward information about different kinds of PT. You can easily bring clients back with thorough research and evidence-based PT. 

However, you will need to first create an instance where you will LINK to the websites to begin with, and know your own content! Whether you are focusing on one particular illness, physical therapy routine, or case study, it is important that you not only link to these amazing resources but that you read the material as well! 

Your audience can tell if you haven’t read the resources you are linking to. Primarily because you are giving them an avenue to read the resources themselves! You should never link to something just to have an outbound link on your website. 

Read the research, find ways to incorporate it into your own site, and you’ll have tons of science-based PT content for all of your clients! 

Finding the Best Websites for Science-Based Content for Your Physical Therapist Website!

The world of physical therapy is constantly changing and evolving. Whether you link to a study from the JAMA Network or find yourself relating to the work of Ivy Rehab, or the American Physical Therapy Association, you should always include science-based PT content on your website. 

Your clients should come first. For that very reason, providing them with studies, research, and information will help with their rehabilitation in the long-run! This allows them to understand in a more meaningful way how you approach your work in your clinic, as well as showing them you’ve taken the time to read the resources yourself! Use these tips and websites to help further the success of your clinic and physical therapist website by using science-based PT content!

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