Why New Physiotherapy Patients Aren't Finding You Online

Why New Physiotherapy Patients Aren't Finding You Online

Physiotherapy Patients Aren't Finding You Online

In the day and age in which we live, we have the capability to shop from the comfort of our own home, when we are in front of our laptop or desktop. We can even shop from the convenience of our smartphone if we choose so. According to statistics, 62% of all consumers browse products and services online. Often times they are not only browsing but they are purchasing online. The internet is making shopping so convenient that you can purchase products and have them delivered to your home, or to your favorite store for pick up.

If you are wondering why it is so difficult for you to drum up more physical therapy patients, it may come down to your online presence. Think about it, if you are not online, if you do not have a presence online where people can find your name and number, how are the 62% of patients who look for clinics and physical therapists going to find you? Sadly, unless you are present online they will not find you and that means you are giving away free clients to other clinics and physical therapists.

How can you correct this problem so that potential new patients can find you? Here is a list of a few things that you can do to either improve your presence online or establish a presence online.

Establish or Improve Your Physiotherapy Practice Online Presence

One of the first things you have to do if you want potential patients to find you on the internet is to be on the internet. This means you need to have a website or web page of some kind. This does not mean to just throw anything up on the web, because consumers and potential patients who surf the web want to see a few things in a website if they are going to trust that company, or your clinic, with what they need. On the web one of the most important things to remember is, “you never get a second chance to make a first impression.” This means if potential patients do not like what they see the first time they visit your website, the chances are they will leave and never come back. Keep the following things in mind when creating, or maintaining, your website.

  • Keep it organized and up-to-date

  • Keep it looking professional

  • Ensure the site states clearly states who you are, your location, services provided, payment options for services rendered, including whether you are cash-pay or insurance only

  • Provide basic options for potential patients to contact/interact with you

  • Keep it easy to navigate

Solicit Reviews

Once you have fine-tuned your website and it looks perfect there is something else you need to remember, reviews. Consumers do not only surf online for products and services randomly picking the first company that offers them what they need, they ensure that wherever they are going, or who they are using has quality reviews. If your website has no reviews, or only bad reviews, prospective clients are going to leave your website and opt for a competitor that has numerous good reviews. If you have negative reviews or feedback respond to this in a professional manner and address whatever issue they state. Additionally, solicit your current patents to leave reviews on your site to let others know how satisfied they were with your services.

Understand and Use SEO strategies

Individuals in the know, are aware of how important the understanding and implementation of search engine optimization, or SEO, is on a website. Get a good grasp on how it works and use it to your benefit. If used correctly it can tremendously affect your presence online. Here are things to remember.

  • Improve your search ranking by creating a Google+ page

  • Identify and incorporate your clinic’s keywords into your Google+ profile, website copy, and directory listings

  • Verify that your clinics name, address, and phone number, or NAP listing, is consistent around the web. List it as many relevant places as possible, this includes, your website, Google+ page, local directories, and social media profiles.

Following the above mentioned steps will help new physiotherapy patients to find you online! PatientSites.com can help you to make sure that your website is up to the task. Just take a look at some examples of physical therapy practice websites belonging to our clients and see for yourself.

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