Could You Be Recycling Your Old PT Newsletters To Hook New Patients?

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Could You Be Recycling Your Old PT Newsletters To Hook New Patients?

Coming up with new content for a PT clinic's website and newsletters every month can be difficult. However, there is no reason why older content from newsletters past cannot be recycled and used to attract new patients. There are lots of ways to repurpose some of those older pieces of content from your newsletter archive, so let's take a look at a few of them.

Edit Articles For a New Audience

While long standing patients may have read the articles in the past, the content will be new to those who have only recently found your physical therapy practice. So, why not reuse your older content by editing it for the new audience that you are trying to reach. For example, if you are hoping to approach more sports rehab patients, then perhaps you could take an existing newsletter article about muscle strains and edit it to appeal to athletes. If the article was originally sent out in a clinic newsletter, then choose an alternative platform to republish the edited version – perhaps publish it as a blog post.

Expand Short Pieces

Often the content you share in a newsletter will be fairly short – usually no more than a couple of paragraphs. Why not take some of these shorter pieces and see if you can expand them to create full length blog posts that can offer something of interest to visitors to your website. You can do this by adding additional content, including something about the latest research into the topic, turning it into an educational article or even discuss your own opinions on the matter. There are lots of ways that you can add more depth to these short pieces in order to get more use out of them. The same principle could also be applied to Facebook posts that have generated a lot of interest.

Curate a Blog Post of Related Information

Another great way to repurpose older content is to publish a blog post which curates several pieces of content that focus on a particular content. You can create a list of these existing pieces of content and bring them together with an introductory paragraph and offer a brief summary of the key points of each article you are linking to. You can curate only your own content or you could include some relevant pieces of content from external sites as well.

Integrate Patient Comments

A great way to refresh content that you have previously published on your clinic's social media pages or even on your blog is to collect the comments that people have left and integrate them into an update on the topic. This will act as a follow up piece and will help potential patients to really engage wit your content. It can also help to build your credibility and trust.

No matter what method you choose to repurpose your old newsletter content, or content from other sources, the bottom line is that you will be able to create fresh new content by offering a new take on something that has already been discussed. It is important not to be too repetitive, when you repurpose your old content you still need to make sure that you are grabbing your audience's attention and offering them content that has some kind of value.

Get in touch with us at Patient Sites today to discuss how we can help you with website content and newsletter marketing for your physical therapy clinic. We can help you to provide unique and relevant content that your patients, both new and old, will engage with. Arrange your 15 minute demonstration today.

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