3 Key Visuals That Every Popular PT Website Should Have

Example of physical therapy visual in a physical therapy clinic

When designing your Physical Therapy Website, there are many different aspects you should consider. One of these is the visual appeal of your site and what to include on your page to be interesting and draw the visitor in.

When someone visits your website, they will almost instantly decide if it is the right destination to answer their search query. Or if your business is the type of professional service they want to book with. So that initial impression is clearly really important. That is why getting the visuals right is imperative to keeping visitors on your page long enough to discover how great your business is.

Your physical therapy website will often be the first contact your customers will have with your business. With this in mind you want to make an excellent first impression and make your visitors want to learn more about what your clinic has to offer. Here are some examples of the three key visuals that every popular PT website should have.

1. Simple Website Layout and Design

Always go for a simple website design before an overly complicated one. Simple design makes your site easier to navigate and also make it look cleaner and more professional. Consider the less is more approach and use the layout to showcase exactly what your business is all about without too much on the page.  

A lot of patient information for physical therapy websites is great, however you don’t want to put this altogether in one place. Spreading out your message into clear concise boxes and pages will entice visitors to read on. Don’t overcomplicate your message or be too wordy. Shorter paragraphs with great content are so much better than waffle.

When it comes to the colours used on your website, understated and complimentary go best. A white background is always a good choice as it gives a foundation for the information and pictures you want to stand out. Think about your company logo and use this as a theme for your colour scheme or perhaps one that contrasts well with this theme. Avoid bright and garish colours, especially for physical therapy. You want to convey a sense of calm and professionalism.  

Think about the font you are using too. It needs to be easy to read and work across both mobile and desktop sites. For the most impactive design you should consider using a maximum of three different typefaces in three different sizes at the most.

Keeping your website simple might sound easy. However, it can be hard to keep the layout from over crowding quite quickly with everything you want to include. Remember too any boxes or a jumbled layout can make your website look spammy and unappealing. Having a clear plan from the start for your website design and overall look will help you to keep this under control.

2. Optimised Size and Settings

So, you have decided to keep your website simple and thought about the layout. You also need to get the intricacies if the layout right such as sizing of content and positioning of certain aspects.  Upon visiting your website, you want your readers to immediately see what is most important to them. This means the sizing and placement of content is really important when it comes to visuals.

Your top content should be the largest feature in order to catch the eye of your visitors as soon as they land on your site. Then reduce the sizes of content boxes and features depending on its importance. This will make sense once you start positioning content on your page, showcasing the best and most popular information your website has to offer. It also ensures your visitors find exactly what they are looking for straight away.

Size and layout go hand in hand with accessibility. You want your website to be accessible to all users so you need to think about what your customer demographic is for your physical therapy clinic. Then tailor your user experience to your target audience.

Of course, your website needs to be optimised for mobile devices as more and more internet searches and visits are from these kind of devices as opposed to desktop visits. You need to ensure the visuals are the same across all devices and you do not lose your carefully thought out settings when pages are optimised.

When considering your layout, you should also ensure your visitors have a clear path to a call to action on each page and that it is easily searchable too. This combines great visuals with usability which is key to any successful website.  

3. Infographics and Media for Physical Therapy

You will often hear the phrase a picture paints a thousand words and there is some truth in this saying. It is well known that if a website has great visual images that compliment the content it is more appealing to readers than those without. But you must think carefully about what media and how much you want your website to contain.

Photographs of treatments and staff are a great way of making your sight more personal to your visitors. It also gives them a unique insight into your clinic, so your patients know exactly what to expect when they visit.  Photos help to break up the text and draw the eyes in the right direction keeping visitors interested to continue on your site. Also decreasing the bounce rate as visitors move from page to page.

When uploading videos and photographs you need to think about the size of the media. Large sized media can cause your website to load slowly so you need to make sure you optimise your images. Choose the right size image to ensure a speedy load time but still keeping the quality of your picture or video too.   

Infographics are a great visual addition to any website but can hold so much value as a physical therapy clinic in particular. Giving your visitors information they require, whilst explaining what they are looking at with visual aids, graphs and pictures is a great way to showcase your business.  

If you are wanting to create good links back to your site, you should know that Infographics are also a great sharing tool bringing back valuable traffic to your website. It shows you have taken the time to develop and share interesting information for your followers and is invaluable as a key visual for your physical therapy site.

What next?

Once you have considered all your visual options for your physical therapy website and decided on a simple layout and media then you need to look at the content. Quality content is key to keeping your visitors on your page once they have happily accepted the aesthetics and visuals.

Make sure you include your search bar in a prominent position, such as the top of your page. This gives visitors the chance to find what they want on your site if it not found directly on the landing page. Then make sure the call to action, such as booking a new appointment or requesting more information is prominent and visible too.

Patient information and key clinic details are also important. So, as well as showing pictures and videos demonstrating treatments, they should be explained in detail alongside this. Including what type of treatments are best for certain types of injuries or problems. Visitors need to know who you are where you are, how they can contact you and how you can help them.

By getting the visuals and layout right first you can then fill in the gaps with quality content and valuable information for your visitors. Giving your customers a great all-round experience and improving your bookings and credibility.

How will you improve your PT website with these key visual aspects?

Having a great looking website will inspire trust and confidence in your Physical Therapy brand giving you and advantage with visitors. As you can see there is some work behind achieving this but by looking carefully at your visuals you can improve your website.  

Begin with a simple layout, considering the right colour scheme and fonts that reflect the professionalism of your business. Then look at the size of content boxes and visuals and the settings within the layout, ensuring the most important content is showcased first.  Also look at the quality and content of the media you are sharing on your site making sure it is engaging and exciting for your readers.

Include photographs, videos and infographics to compliment your content and break up text. Making the site flow by using optimised images which load quickly and complement the colour scheme and your company logo. By following these guidelines, you can improve your website, increase traffic and reduce the bounce rate at the same time.

Do you need some help with your Physical Therapy website?

Sometimes when running a business, you don’t have much time to spend developing and designing your website. Patient sites can offer certain services that will help you to create, develop and improve your website design and features so if you are struggling to keep up get in touch and see what services are available to suit your business needs.

Do you need some help with your physical therapy website and marketing? Download our Free Evergreen Marketing Blueprint for Physical Therapists and start creating long-term assets that generate new patient bookings for years to come.

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