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Web & Marketing Blog for Physical Therapists

Stay informed about ideas and best practices for growing your physical therapy clinic with smart marketing strategies.

How To Hack Word of Mouth Marketing for PT Sites

How To Hack Word of Mouth Marketing for PT Sites
You should never under estimate the power of word of mouth marketing. It is so important to be recommended both on and offline and it makes you much more credible as a Physical Therapy clinic. Most customers, more than half, will research online reviews and information before they decide to book with a therapist. So, the information out there must show you in the absolute best possible light. According to Neilson 92 trust the opinions of those reviews and comments posted online by consumers. ...
Posted on 2019-07-16

Real World Ranking Factors: How Patients Judge Service Quality

Real World Ranking Factors: How Patients Judge Service Quality
  The situation is great, you have all the social media and online marketing strategies in place, but have you considered your real-world ranking factors? You need to look at the whole picture when contemplating your physical therapy marketing and ranking structures. How patients judge and share their thoughts and feelings about your brand can largely impact on your credibility. There is more to your business than just online presence and real-world ranking factors are something to conside...
Posted on 2019-04-01

Design Elements That Will Make Your Physical Therapy Blog Stand Out

Design Elements That Will Make Your Physical Therapy Blog Stand Out
A good website design is essential for attracting and keeping visitors. That is why it is really important to review the design elements of your physical therapy blog to make it stand out. Your goal is to attract visitors that will find your content relevant and keep coming back to read your blog post and engage with your business. Make your website user friendly and interactive to really showcase your services and your brand. All with the aim to bring more customers to your clinic and improve...
Posted on 2019-03-13
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