PT Websites

Chatbot + Live Chat

Chatbot + Live Chat

Stay connected with your website visitors and generate new leads, even when your staff is not available.

A Smart Chatbot To Interact With Patients & Visitors

Make it easy for your website visitors to reach you anytime, even when you’re not online. Our advanced chatbot system allows your website visitors to interact with an automated chatbot that’s been trained to securely collect contact information, answer commonly asked questions, share relevant website links, and much more.

This is the ultimate tool for clinic owners who want to increase engagement with website visitors and prospective patients. This system works on a standalone dashboard and can be integrated with any type of website.

All the tools you need to get started:

Welcome Message

Build a personal connection with your visitors by setting up a custom welcome message that is shown when someone visits your website for the first time.

Smart Responses

Our chatbot will attempt to engage with every visitor, respond based on what your visitors want, and direct them to appropriate resources and pages.

Suggest Pages

Our chatbot reduces the chances of visitors leaving your website by showing them relevant pages based on what they are looking to find.

Lead Generation

Your visitors can now schedule an appointment or free consultation directly with the chatbot, creating a new stream of leads on your website.

Automatic Call Connect

Get connected to new leads via phone as soon as there is a request for an appointment or free consultation

Phone Call Notifications

Get notified as soon as a new request for appointment or consultation comes in so you're never missing out any potential leads.

What does a well structured evergreen marketing mix look like?

Download our PT evergreen marketing blue print for free! Use this to understand what role different marketing tactics play and how to build a balance of tactics that will grow your practice today but most importantly increase the value of your business tomorrow.

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