A Seasonal Twist to Social Media For Physiotherapists

Seasonal Social Media For Physiotherapists

A Seasonal Twist to Social Media For Physiotherapists 

As a physiotherapist, one of the key patient demographics seen by your clinic will be those with sports related injuries. Many physiotherapists even specialize in sports injury rehabilitation. Most sports are seasonal, so it can be a good idea to keep track of which sports are 'in season' so that you can tailor your social media posts and blog articles to the appropriate sports enthusiasts all year round. In order to do this you will need to have some understanding of which sports are played during each season and even which ones are popular in your locale.

Spring/Summer Sports

The type of sports that people in your local area engage in may vary depending on where you live, so it is important to research what sort of teams there are locally. The majority of athletes will spend a large chunk of their Spring and Summer on their chosen sport by the time you take into consideration pre-season warm ups, the competitive season and post season workouts. Some common sports for the Spring and Summer seasons include :

  • Track & Field

  • Baseball

  • Lacrosse

  • Golf

  • Swimming

  • Tennis

Fall/Winter Sports

The latter half of the year is particularly busy for sports, especially those played in School and College. It can be well worth getting in touch with local educational establishments to find out which sports they field teams for during the academic year. In the Fall and the Winter, people are more likely to be competing in sports such as :

  • Soccer

  • Football

  • Field Hockey

  • Basketball

  • Ice Hockey

  • Snow Sports (Skiing, Snowboarding etc.)

Examples of Sports Marketing Strategies

Let's look at Football as an example of how you could use seasonal sports marketing to help your physical therapy clinic. It is one of the most popular Fall sports, especially if you are located in a big 'Football Town'. The target audience is going to be males between High School and College ages, and possibly their parents. Think about ways to appeal to this group of potential patients. Some ideas might include publishing a featured article on your blog detailing some of the most common football related injuries and offering prevention advice about safe training techniques and muscle conditioning. You could also run a special on Pre-season Screening in the run up to the football season getting under way and advertise it on your Clinic's Facebook page. Use visual content featuring athletes in your posts to boost engagement and attract attention. You can then repeat these steps each season for a relevant sport that is popular in your local area.

Taking Your Sports Marketing Beyond Social Media

Seasonal sports marketing doesn't have to be restricted to social media. You can take it beyond that to give your clinic the maximum amount of exposure. For example, you could distribute a postcard or flyer detailing similar information about your chosen sports. You could even reach out to local teams and training centres to get involved with a community event. Many teams would be happy to have a physical therapist come out and offer a injury prevention seminar and it is a great way to network with players, coaches and parents.

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