6 Partnership Ideas for Physical Therapy Clinics

Statistics rank the United States to be among the unhealthiest countries in the world. Even though there’s progress seen on the horizon by initiatives taken from companies, such as Google and Zappier implementing methods to improve wellness in the workplace. We see a lowering of tobacco use and a decrease in obesity.

APTA encourages partnerships between PT clinic owners and employers, rather than physical therapists reaching out to clients directly. Employers have more control in the spread of a healthy lifestyle among their employees.

According to the statistics, PT is a business model that is booming right now. More and more people are jumping into it, which means it is becoming more difficult to differentiate yourself and keep thriving. Difficult but not impossible when you use the right methods. Partnerships for example are a great way to ensure you never are left without work. How? Imagine yourself jumping from the window of your clinic. 

All the partnerships you create connect like a net forming a trampoline that helps you jump back up. After researching and asking successful physical therapists we’re bringing here a few ideas to help you build solid relationships that are a win-win for both parties. 

1. Facilitate the Process 

You might be in search of partnerships, but how obvious is this? Countless opportunities might be lost because you didn’t show your availability to partner up with physicians, or other therapists through your content. Hiring a professional graphics designer to craft catchy business cards, logos and brochures matters if you want to stay in the mind of your potential partners.

From social media posts, to blog articles, and brochures, make it clear you’re always open to partnerships and what the other party can expect. Attach your contact information, and have a dedicated email you check frequently. Your website plays an important role since they’ll be checking it to see how innovative and adapted you are to new technologies.

Make sure you reply fast to inquiries, and don’t leave others hanging on your emails for weeks. Be open-minded even to clients’ requests for discussions, and don’t overlook their talk because it may yield a beneficial referral or partnership.

When someone turns to you for advices, and you help them, you’ll be stuck in their mind for long, and when something happens they’ll recall you. So, make sure your contact information has stuck in their mind then too!

2. Talk to Healthcare Providers

It’s the very first step you will want to take, partnering up with physicians, who can bring your valuable referrals. You are building strong partnerships by collaborating with them because there are always spaces to benefit by referring clients to each other. Moreover, physicians help you connect to hospitals, and primary care doctors. These partnerships are proven to be vital to both parties.

Establishing these types of relationships helps you in many ways. Counting here: You’re going to have access to lab services, be in touch with specialists, and cooperate with pharmacies.

Let’s not forget that inside the circle of healthcare providers exist lots of other opportunities to form partnerships besides physical therapists. Mentioning here, chiropractors, psychologists, and other physical therapists. You want your name to be there wherever there’s physical pain to be alleviated.

Forming partnerships amidst healthcare professionals sounds as if it’s coined lately, but actually it has been followed as a practice since 1972, by the Institute of Medicine. The whole concept revolves around the idea that when different professional collaborate it’s easier to see the problem from different perspectives, and find new and more effective solutions. 

3. Observe for Organizations and Community Agencies

You might never have thought of this, but non-profit organizations and other public agencies or community-based organizations can be great to help you build long-lasting partnerships. We would like to mention here a practice that is currently doing this effectively: AAA Physical Therapy, which has utilized this strategy by cooperating with non-profit organizations such as Neighbor Ride, or Meals on Wheels.

They collaborate with the local college radio station too, where therapists get to speak and share their advice on insurance benefits, and injury prevention. When you think about it, if a radio station is streaming this, it’s because people like listening to it, and if they like listening, they need your services.

Each potential partnership is fostered through continual cooperation and communication. Keeping your connections updated with refreshing emails on what’s impacting the physical therapy businesses is essential. Emails work amazingly for organizations as much as they work for building partnerships with past patients.

4. What About Private Businesses

Before trying too hard and skipping the most obvious places where your services as a physical therapist are needed, get in touch with sports teams, or sports leagues, YMCAs, dance studios or CrossFit centers. Be the go-to physical therapist they need. Google My Business comes to help, for example, not only to put you on the map for others, but also help you discover other private business to connect with.

It’s pretty practical when you think about it. You’re able to bring them referrals while they do the same. Win-win, client acquisition at almost zero costs. Other than these places where people go to train, it’s worth mentioning sporting equipment stores from where you can get referrals when people go shopping for equipment.

Partnering up with private businesses allows you to craft service packages people will want to purchase! For example, teaming up with local gyms, they can include a therapy session with you in exchange for a fee, while you might provide discounts to people signing up in gyms you refer to. It’s a win-win partnership for both sides, and these partnerships are what can take your business further.

5. Associations and Sports Clubs 

Sports provide more opportunities than you think. You can form long-term partnerships with triathlon organizers, as Alliance Physical Therapy did. This type of partnership means you’ll be assisting members to check their overall wellness, try to prevent injuries and anything that occurs during triathlons. A great responsibility, as well as a perfect source of learning for new physical therapists.

Marketing-wise this is a great move for you since you’ll be in touch with well-known fitness practitioners who can help share your brand on social media and strengthen your brand image.

Create valuable connections, and hone your skills by working on challenging environments and circumstances. Sports usually are where most physical damages happen, and if you’re able to help patients in this field, you’ll get used to working under intensive time and stress pressure.

You can network with other sports physical therapists who work directly only with athletes and exchange valuable partnerships. Sports clubs can’t do without physical therapist in their staff (even the least serious ones). When it comes to physical injuries there’s no joking about it.

Deciding to collaborate with them or simply working more with therapists yourself means you will learn to treat sports injuries, create workout routines, and design rehabilitations and care plants for them to rest.

6. Universities and Educational Institutions

Of course, you wouldn’t want to miss schools and universities in your list. Here you get the chance to not only work with sports teams, but cooperation with teachers lets you educate students on the importance of physical therapy, where you can filter passionate candidates to become part of your staff as interns, or simply get the word for the significance of physical therapy out there.

Attend classes that have to do with physical therapy, such as physiology, anatomy, or physical education, and offer to hold discussions or teach some general, but mandatory lessons on injury prevention or stretching rules to students. Here, you can put into use school-based PT practices that bring results. 

In case you’re just starting out, you can work as an assistant in these healthcare institutions. Experience is an asset you create by spending time with experts; hence, partnering up with institutions and experts helps you or your team members grow professionally. Not only will this help you provide a more professional service to patients, but also helps you know skilled students who might later become part of your team or clientele. 


Partnerships are the key to maintain a thriving business regardless of the circumstances. When you know that there are people who can support you in case of crisis, you can attempt to invest in your PT business without fear. Partnerships ensure you are never left without clients, because of the vast network you have.

Maintaining a professional relationship is essential. Hence, we suggest you always deliver value upfront through referrals or other services you can provide before asking for a favor in return or waiting to get referrals. The key to good partnerships is delivering an enormous amount of value.

Talking to other healthcare providers, networking with local organizations, and approaching private businesses is the first step you should take. Then, you can involve yourself into partnerships with larger organizations or sports clubs that need your services. Educational institutions should definitely be in your list too, offering many opportunities, not only to get the name of your clinic known, but also look for potential staff members.

Networking with businesses and providers through the mentioned methods gives you a safe boat to navigate the dangerous waters of this business. We’re always open to help clinic owners with their marketing, so if there are times when you feel stuck, hit us up, and we’ll ensure you’re fully utilizing your online channels to build long-term partnerships.

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